Zadržavanje cene struje do polovine 2022. godine – prava vest za privredu

Pružajući podršku zaključku Vlade Srbije, kojim je data značajna podrška privrednim subjektima, Unija poslodavaca očekuje da i u budućnosti bude uključena u razgovore o ceni energenata za preduzeća. Unija veruje da će EPS uvažiti preporuku Vlade, kao i da će ubuduće politiku cena prema privredi voditi uz konsultovanje reprezentativne organizacije poslodavaca, naravno vodeći računa i o održivom poslovanju svog preduzeća.

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Retaining the price of electricity until the middle of 2022 – the real news for the economy

Providing support to the conclusion of the Government of Serbia, which has provided significant backup to economic entities, the Serbian Association of Employers expects that in the future it will be included in negotiations on the price of electricty for enterprises. SAE believes that the Electric Power Industry of Serbia will adopt the recommendation of the Government, as well that in the future it will pursue a price policy towards the economy in consultation with the representative organization of employers, of course taking into account sustainable business of its company.

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