Konferencija na visokom nivou organizacija civilnog društva zemalja Zapadnog Balkana

Politika za mlade na Zapadnom Balkanu, kao deo Agende o inovacijama za Zapadni Balkan doprineće promovisanju naučne izvrsnosti, reformi obrazovnih sistema u regionu, stvaranju dodatnih mogućnosti za mlade i takođe pomoći u sprečavanju odliva mozgova. Povećanim investicijama u istraživanja, obrazovanje, kulturu, mlade i sport, Agenda i akcije predložene u njoj predstavljaju bitan element za budućnost ekonomskog i društvenog razvoja regiona i Evrope.

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Civil Society High-Level Conference on Youth Policy in the Western Balkans

A youth policy in the Western Balkans, as part of the Innovation Agenda for the Western Balkans, will contribute to promoting scientific excellence, reforming educational systems in the region, creating additional opportunities for young people and also helping to prevent brain drain. With increased investments in research, education, culture, youth and sports, the Agenda and the actions proposed in it represent an essential element for the future economic and social development of the region and Europe.

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